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Sunday 4 January 2015

Secret Passages

Secret passages are a given in any serious castle!

They can lead to an escape route, a secret room, a hidden entrance to another part of the castle or any number of places.

There are a few cliches in secret passage terms - but however cheesey they may be, I would want to include all of these in my castle! I guess I'm just a big kid at heart!

The fireplace

Made famous by all number of TV shows and movies - most notable Scooby Doo and Indiana Jones, the secret fireplace passageway is a huge cliche - but amazingly fun nonetheless!

I'm definitely having one of these!

There's actually a company who genuinely create and build these passages full time

That's their full time job! What a great job to have! Amazing! You can check out their website here. (seriously, take a look!)

It doesn't just have to be a revolving door in the fireplace either - check out this interlocking, hidden brickwork door below.  


Its like something out of diagon alley!

The bookcase

The secret-door-in-the-bookcase  is another classic example of a secret passage. No self respecting castle owner would be without one of these!


I'd have one of these in my library, leading to my study, cinema room, or games room like the one below.

Hidden Doors And Secret Passages Ideas 15

"Who me? I'm just a Just a casual bookshelf, just casually shelving some books. Nothing to see here..."

 Or perhaps even a staircase into one of the towers?


This is getting really sneaky now - everyone expects the fireplace and bookcase but a mirror? Genius!

There are other great variants on this one - like a portrait (remind you of anything?)...

Or maybe a tapestry?

You can actually buy this one above for $170 online here.

Other ideas

If you thought the mirror was cool, wait until you see these... Remember that company who make secret passages for a living? Well they have got some amazing ideas to bring the concept into the 21st century. What kind of ideas you ask?

Well, how about a remote control operated stair case that opens up to reveal a hidden room? I wonder if they could do something like this with a spiral staircase?

Or what about this great hidden door, behind the projector screen in the home cinema?

Maybe you're feeling a little bit like escaping to Narnia. Don't worry. They have you covered:

Apparently, these guys can install vaults, safes, panic-rooms and more with security systems that include facial recognition and even bio-metric fingerprint scanning. Great if you're feeling a little paranoid!

And if all that's a little too high tech for you, how about some good old fashioned false wood paneling?

What do you guys think - do you have a favourite?

Where would you hide an entrance to a hidden room?

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